What is Meditation Cycling


Julian Hooks

Benefits of Meditation Cycling

Some people enjoy watching a video while they do their cycle workout, others prefer some pumped music to keep them going and still others prefer to have silence. A new concept includes meditating while cycling.Haven’t heard of this one yet? Don’t worry, I didn’t just “make it up”, many have used it to add other benefits to their cycling workout.BENEFITS OF MEDITATION CYCLINGWe already know that both cycling and meditation can improve your physical and mental health, as well as lengthening years of existing in a well maintained body. Yet what benefits might they offer us when combined?1) BOTH EXERCISES BECOME EASIERAs you learn to take your mind of the physical exercise you are doing, the art of cycling becomes like breathing, you’re body will just continue to do it on autopilot. With you’re mind focusing on meditation, you’ll stop worrying about how hard you’re working or any other distracting and negative thoughts. Yet, even with the focus generally away from your cycling workout, you’ll still be able to use the motion of your pumping legs in time with your breathing as a point of focus.2) YOU’LL BE MORE “FOCUSED”Both meditation and cycling take focus and determination to practice efficiently and see results. Can you imagine the combination of doing the two together? If you can’t focus on that possibility for long, it might be time to consider trying out the combo of meditating while you cycle train.3) IMPROVED ENDURANCEJust as your focus doubles, so to will your endurance. Both endurance for mental clarity and purity through meditation, and your physical body for getting more of a work out with less hassle from the discriminating mind.4) RECHARGING WHILE PURGINGWhen we exercise we purge ourselves of imbalanced energies. When we meditate, although we do purge, we mostly focus on taking in balanced energies. By getting into a decent cycle program and then meditating while you cycle, you can purge your body of undesirable energies and refill it seconds later with fresh new energies. This will leave you with a very comfortable and awake state of mind and body when you’re done.5) HEALING BODY, SPIRIT AND MIND AT THE SAME TIMEThere is no better way to achieve true fitness, then to work on healing the “Whole”. Our bodies are much more than just this dense physical vessel we think of as “me”. There is a mind in there and a spirit in there too and they need as much care and attention as the physical body does. When you cycle and meditate at the same time, you are helping your body, mind and spirit to sync up the way they should. This helps to bring about wholesome healing and awesome results.6) CONCENTRATIONHaving trouble staying in the “now” when you’re working? Find yourself a bit “absent-minded” at times? Using a cycle workout that includes meditation is a great way to hone your concentration skills.7) FIT FASTER, LASTING LONGERMeditation can take away some of the “pain” and fatigue that can be gained with your cycle workout if you’re just starting out or you have stepped up your cycling training. This gives the benefit of being able to complete your cycle training more comfortably, burn more calories and get your body, mind and spirit into shape. You’ll find yourself getting fit faster and you’ll see that your primal health will last longer and take less maintenance.Meditating while you do your cycle program might seem odd at first, but it’s well worth the time put into it.

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